Tuesday 19 July 2016

My first major purchase

Last night I bit the bullet and for the first time invested 3 figures in baby's future. Last week I visited a friend and her nine-month old and saw a demonstration of her sling. 

For us a sling is as important as a pram as our village location and the dog's love of walking through the fields means that it will be needed every day whereas a pram will only be taken in the car. 

The friend I saw last week has a connecta. Not a brand I'd heard of but seeing her demonstrate it it appeared to be easy to use, can be worn on the back or the front and is suitable from newborn to 16kg. They also come in a range of fabrics although we've opted for the tweed for two reasons - first it is the easiest to get hold of as it is stocked by m&s but secondly James has a love affair with tweed and almost wet himself when I told him it was a possibility. 

I get to collect my purchase tomorrow and have been advised to wear it in a bit before little one makes an appearance. I can't wait. All starting to feel that little bit more real. 

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