Friday 29 July 2016

3 months to go

The countdown has really begun now. My official due date is three months today. My antenatal class this week was cancelled and I'll be missing next week's as we are going on a last pre-baby break to the wedding of friends in Prague. 

I'm clearly now getting quite big. Everybody I see assumes I'm due imminently and I've had two people now ask me if I'm having twins. There's certainly little doubt that I am actually pregnant! 

Baby continues to wriggle around a lot reassuring me about it's presence. 

This week I finally got around to emptying the bulk of boxes from what will be the nursery. At the same time I'm accumulating more and more baby clothes. I'm lucky that a few friends have recently had children and are passing on their baby clothes. Although we'll buy a few things new I'm happy not to be precious about getting a lot of things as nearly new. Ultimately the baby will make anything we put on it dirty in a matter of minutes. I would rather we spent the money on baby once it's old enough to appreciate things. 

Hopefully my pragmatism will endure once baby arrives. 

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