Wednesday 15 June 2016

Excitement levels

It didn't take too long for the excitement about our impending arrival to kick in. And anything we're feeling is multiplied by four as both sets of our parents are equally thrilled with the impending arrival of their first grandchild. 

James can regularly be seen grinning at my midriff and I feel a warm glow every time I think about the amazing thing that is happening inside me. 

The knitting has already begun. My mum is already on her third article for the baby. Having completed a jacket and a blanket she is know part way through some dungarees. 

Presents have also started arriving from across the world. A Finnish reindeer from a friend of james' (sooo cute) has now been joined by a lion and a lovely knitted hat from a friend and near neighbour. 

From our point of view there's lots to do around the house before little one makes an appearance, most notably the clearing of the future nursery which has been a storage jumble for the last few months. 

It's an exciting time not just for us but for all those around us. :-). 

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