Wednesday 15 June 2016

Jet setting fetus

So far our little bump has had a very busy year. Having had a very luxurious long weekend at the ritz in Vienna in March bump's next adventure involved a sumptuous fortnight in Italy, from which we returned just over a week ago. 

In typical me style I started to worry while I was in Italy that I didn't look obviously pregnant and that I hadn't felt movements - albeit I am a primip who hadn't yet reached 20 weeks. However, almost overnight at 18+4 I developed a rather sizeable bulge (for which I definitely blame baby and not an excess of pizza and pasta!) and since that day have been consistently feeling movements - interestingly always in the lower right side of my tummy - I'll be very interested to see if that's where baby's legs are when we have our 20 week scan. 

Bump has one final foreign adventure planned - a trip to the wedding of close friends in Prague in August. After that I think I'll be putting my feet up and waiting for bump to become baby! 

And just in case you think we live a jet set lifestyle I think it's fair to mention that in the six years we've been together Italy was only our second holiday of more than a few days duration (our honeymoon being our first) and we've never been abroad more than once in a year in the past - this year is a bit of an anomaly as we try to cram in some couples time before starting family life. 

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