Wednesday 15 June 2016

The gender question

It's widely acknowledged now that a baby's gender can be identified with a reasonable degree of accuracy during antenatal scans, most commonly the 20 week scan. 

James and I have been in complete agreement from the start. We want to know. If baby doesn't play ball tomorrow and we can't see then I will have no hesitation in booking a private scan to see if we can find out then instead. 

What has amazed me though, either when I've told people that we plan to find out or they've asked our intention, is the dismay and disappointment expressed by so many at the decision we have made. Ultimately though it is a choice that any parent now is free to make and it is one that we both agree on. Fundamentally it won't change much. It may slightly influence the decor of the nursery - although it will be neutral we might choose wall stickers that reflect the gender. It may influence the colour my mum chooses to knit in and it may influence whether or not I choose to buy a baby dress here or there. Ultimately though I don't like surprises. I know some people argue that it's the wanting to find out that gets you through the labour and the we'd be ruining the surprise to find out earlier. I however feel that we will still have the surprise of finding out tomorrow (although I have been convinced throughout that it's a boy) but we will also then have months of eager anticipation knowing whether or not to prepare for a little girl or a little boy. 

I'll be honest. I've always wanted a girl, much like my mum before me. Interestingly though, not only have I thought from the start that this one will be a boy, but if that is the case I really won't mind. I will love our baby whatever and more than anything I just want the baby to be healthy. James wants it to be a boy because he knows I do still have a small preference for a girl, which interestingly is what he thinks we're having. I guess tomorrow we'll find out who's right. The argument as to how many children we have (currently agreed on two) if we have a boy this time and next is something to be raised in the future! Third time lucky? 

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