Thursday 30 June 2016

Our second 20 week scan

At 22+3 we went for our second 20 week scan. At the first one baby had refused to allow the heart vessels to be seen - a fairly vital element of a functioning body. 

Initially it seemed like we weren't going to have any luck. The first scanner sent us out after some fairly brutal attempts to visualise the necessary. I was told to walk about and have a drink and see if baby would uncurl. 

The second scanner also declared that we had a very 'curled up' baby. She however persisted and after tilting the bed so my feet were way up in the air she managed to see what was needed. Everything present and correct. 

It was lovely to see baby wriggling around again although I'm now feeling plenty of movements throughout the day - they're yet to wake me up yet but I'm sure it won't be long. 

I am now very visibly pregnant. Is it wrong that I'm tempted to tell the next stranger that refers to 'my condition' that actually I'm just fat?

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