Wednesday 15 June 2016

The twelve week scan

Our twelve week scan came round at the end of April. James and I went along together and we went to our local DGH. I was very dismayed on arriving to find that photographs from the scan were charged for but neither of us had brought any cash as we hadn't known in advance. Thankfully the kind staff members took pity on us and we came away with two photographs of our baby giant - the scan moved my dates forward by five days and gave us a projected delivery date of 29th October. 

Little baby spent the whole scan wriggling about and I found it surprising to know that it was moving inside me and as yet I couldn't feel a thing! 

The highlight of the scan for me was james' comedown. When I was having the screening bloods done after the scan (thankfully all low risk) we asked if we'd be allowed to find out the gender at 20 weeks. The lady responded that as long as the baby wasn't hiding it's bits they'd be more than happy to tell us. At this point James puffs out his chest and smirks out the statement "well if it's a boy and its related to me there won't be any difficulty there". To my great amusement the instant retort came back that it would obviously be mistaken for a girl. One of the VERY few times I've ever seen my husband speechless. 

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