Friday 24 June 2016

Pink or blue

As I stated previously we had every intention of finding out at the scan what we were having and indeed we now know. We've shared the exciting information with those family and friends we regularly see or speak to but for the rest of the world we'll try and keep it under wraps until baby's here. The only difficulty with that is going to be if I inadvertently use the third person pronoun when writing about baby here. It might happen. Let's see if any eagle eyes spot it. 

From our point of view we're both pleased. As James pointed out the only real surprise would be if it had turned out to be a puppy! Personally I've had a hunch from the start and most people have agreed with my hunch. Only a few people thought the other way, James included, so we'll have to wait until next time around to see if he's right with his guess then. 

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